ArtCenter puts on new ‘Wheels’ – Knight Foundation

ArtCenter puts on new ‘Wheels’

Painting from ArtCenter resident John Sanchez.

It’s time for the ArtCenter/SouthFlorida (a Knight Arts grantee) to spread its wings. There was nothing really wrong with just showing exhibits in its Lincoln Road-facing space, but it was getting a little lost in the big art crowd. With so much going on in Miami these days, a trip over to this area of South Beach fell off the radar. ArtCenter will continue its mission and highlight its studio residents, while also giving window space to special projects, starting tomorrow night it will switch things up with the opening of another space, which will mix in performance and music to stir up the visual pot. Project 924 (named after the address on Lincoln) will be more about innovation and experimentation, and its inaugural outing is called “As the Ferris Wheel Turns.” Curated by ArtCenter’s Susan Caraballo (who has a background in highlighting performance in town), this Ferris Wheel will include art from one of our favorite painters, John Sanchez (a new resident to the ArtCenter), and the always well-executed works of Hugo Moro. As the visual arts aspect of it is described, this exhibit will attempt to be both whimsical and profound, a multigenerational grouping of artists “working in different mediums to tie the narrative together.”

Kollector’s Portrait from David Rohn.

But then, dancers and choreographers and performance artists Octavio Campos, Ana Mendez and David Rohn among others will spice things up for the opening reception. Oh, and musicians from the New World Symphony will join in the amusement.

“As the Ferris Wheel Turns,” featuring visual and performance art, opens up on Oct. 17 and runs through Nov. 18 at the ArtCenter/South Florida’s annex space at 924 Lincoln Rd., Second Floor, Miami Beach;