Arts & Science Council of Charlotte and ArtSi: Creative Capital Spanish-language workshop in Charlotte, NC – Knight Foundation

Arts & Science Council of Charlotte and ArtSi: Creative Capital Spanish-language workshop in Charlotte, NC

By Maura Guyote, Creative Capital Ela Troyano teaches a Spanish-language workshop at BetaLocal in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 2012

We’re so pleased to announce that the Arts & Science Council of Charlotte & ArtSi will be co-hosting their first Spanish-language Professional Development Workshop in Charlotte, NC this May. The Arts & Science Council of Charlotte first hosted a Creative Capital workshop in 2007. Since then, participants in Charlotte have referred to the knowledge shared at our workshops as ”well rounded, articulate, truly helpful information,” and we can’t wait to teach more of that useful advice to the Latino community in Charlotte, NC.

Katherine Mooring, the Arts & Science Council of Charlotte’s Vice President of Cultural & Community Investment, told us how they “have been formally involved in funding and supporting artists across Charlotte’s Latino community for many years, and appreciate this opportunity to provide yet another platform for Latinos in the arts to become a larger voice in Mecklenburg County. There is incredible talent in this community, but an ongoing need for awareness, marketing and other financial support.”

Mooring also expressed the importance of their partnership with ArtSi on this workshop as an extension of community-building in Charlotte as a whole. She writes that, “both through informal conversations and formal community planning, we continually reaffirm how powerful the arts can be in creating connections and building bridges. Programs like this and partnerships with passionate volunteer initiatives like Art Si help us all build capacity and create stronger connections for using the arts as a tool for greater understanding.” And we certainly hope that the participants in the upcoming workshop not only learn more of the tools they’ll need to build a successful career, but also will meet new contacts in the artistic community of Charlotte as a result of our workshop.