Erika Owens – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Erika Owens

  • Technology

    This post originally appeared on OpenNews’ blog. As hundreds of members of the journalism-tech community descend on Jacksonville for the National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting conference, we wanted to share results from a recent community survey. Affectionately referred to as “news nerds,” 514 folks who work at the intersection of journalism and technology responded to […]

    Article · March 2, 2017 by

  • Journalism

    2016 Knight-Mozilla Fellows. Credit: Knight-Mozilla OpenNews. Erika Owens is the program manager for Knight-Mozilla OpenNews. The Knight-Mozilla Fellowship places creative technologists in newsrooms to work on open-source tools and support reporting that strengthens the Web and changes people’s lives. The fellowships are part of the Knight-Mozilla OpenNews project, supported by Knight Foundation and the Mozilla […]

    Article · November 5, 2015 by