Bluesy rock at the Double Door Inn
There are some common threads that bind us. A universal principle is there will always be a “new crop” coming up: new artists, musicians, actors, teachers, business leaders, etc. This is an exciting concept to embrace, knowing there is another cool artist to discover around the corner. Remy St. Claire is an up-and-coming bluesy rock musician you have a chance to hear play this evening at the Double Door Inn.
Tonight is extra special because it is the Remy St. Claire CD Release Show and Party at the legendary Double Door Inn. St. Claire and his band will play tracks from his brand new CD release, “The Black & White Album,” as well as share some unique takes on classic covers. Listening to St. Claire brings back feelings of old, dark rock and roll with some edgy blues. You haven’t heard it before, but sometimes you may catch a brief deja vu of earlier decades listening to Lou Reed or Jim Morrison. His music has depth and passion, which is the best kind of music to see live.
Since this June 30 show is to celebrate the release of “The Black & White Album,” the first 50 people will receive a free CD and T-shirt. Doors open at 8 p.m. and the show starts at 9 p.m. Cover charge is only $5, but women get in for free. (I suggest getting there early for a good spot.) When asked about why he chose the Double Door Inn for this CD release, St. Claire says the Double Door Inn is the place to hear blues and rock in the Charlotte area.
The Double Door Inn has been around since the early ’70s and its name is synonymous with live blues and rock ‘n’ roll. There are endless stories about famous musicians gracing their stage, and nowadays they welcome a variety of music genres to the stage. But, as a good friend told me, a friend who’s been a regular at the Double Door Inn for decades,“ I love that place. No pretensions. Only one reason to be there, to listen to the music.”
St. Claire was born in Charlotte, but moved to Savannah, Ga. to be a student at Savannah College of Art and Design. However, he ended up playing music more than going to art class. St. Claire loves Savannah, where he says he feels most at home. It’s in this eclectic, artsy city where most of the music for “The Black & White Album” was written. Savannah is also where he discovered the music of his biggest influence, Son House. Playing with these musicians, often in the streets, is where he really learned about the blues. It’s interesting that in Savannah sometimes the passionate array of street performers get a bigger audience than in the bars.
If you want more of St. Claire’s music, he’ll soon have buying links to iTunes and Amazon. And, if you live in Boone, N.C, the album will be for sale in Lorettas Vendetta on Kings Street with other stores in the local area to be posted soon. There are also plans for performances at several festivals and other new gigs, so check back to his website in the near future for details.
The Remy St Claire CD Release Show and Party At the Double Door Inn, 1218 Charlottetowne Ave. June 30, 2011, Doors: 8 p.m. Show: 9 p.m. Cover $5.00, Ladies free
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