Knight News Challenge: Libraries closes Sept. 30 – Knight Foundation

Knight News Challenge: Libraries closes Sept. 30

Our latest Knight News Challenge closes at 5 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014. The question is: “How might we leverage libraries as a platform to build more knowledgeable communities?” We’re seeking projects that build on the transformational power of libraries and use their ideas, principles and assets in innovative ways to help people learn about the world around them and engage in the places they live. Related Links   

Lessons in sharing, from the public library” by Nate Hill on Knight blog (9/18/14)

Why Libraries?” by Sheila Murphy on Knight blog (9/17/14)

Libraries cultivate connections, community and more in the digital age” by Anthony Marx on Knight blog (9/15/14)

Can research libraries adapt to live up to their potential?” by Bernard Reilly on Knight blog (9/12/14) “Finding the sweet spot for libraries in the digital age” by Jill Bourne on Knight Blog (9/11/14) 

Knight News Challenge: Libraries opens for entries” by John Bracken on Knight Blog (9/10/14)

Why Libraries [Still] Matter” by Jonathan Zittrain on Medium (9/10/14)

News Challenge to explore role of libraries in the digital age” by John Bracken on Knight Blog (8/25/14)

We’ve committed $2.5 million to fund the best ideas that reimagine the role of libraries in the digital age, and we’ll announce the winners early next year. They will join a growing network of past projects that includes DocumentCloudMapBox, Safecast, Wikipedia and the New York and Chicago public libraries.

As with every News Challenge, our theme is intentionally broad. We don’t have specific projects in mind, and there’s no formula for winning. We’re seeking innovative projects that help answer our challenge question; if you feel your idea fits, we welcome you to apply. More detail is available in our FAQ. You can also visit to provide feedback on the submissions.

If you have questions, you can join us for virtual office hours  from 1 to 2 p.m. ET Sept. 23. Participants can access the meeting online ( using ID 731675489), or participate via phone at 1-888-240-2560.

We’re also hosting information sessions over the next few weeks in Akron, Ohio; Charlotte, N.C.; Chicago; Miami; New York; Philadelphia; San Jose, Calif.; and St. Paul, Minn. We will share more information about those events as it becomes available, and you can sign up to receive our e-mail updates here.

You can reach us with questions @knightfdn or @jsb on Twitter using #newschallenge, or via e-mail at [email protected].

To submit an entry for the Knight News Challenge or provide feedback on other submissions, visit  Knight News Challenge: Libraries closes on Sept. 30 at 5 p.m. ET. Winners will be announced in January.

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