Camp Detroit collaborates with the Movement Electronic Music Festival – Knight Foundation

Camp Detroit collaborates with the Movement Electronic Music Festival

On March 14, at the OmniCorpDetroit hackerspace, Camp Detroit held an informative workshop regarding available stipends for collaborative art projects to be built and displayed at the upcoming Movement Electronic Music Festival, which takes place from May 26 through 28 at Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit. Movement is an internationally famous and longstanding Detroit festival featuring major music acts — including Public Enemy, Lil Louis and The Wizard (aka Jeff Mills) — and brings more than 100,000 people through its gates.

Camp Detroit, which is co-directed by Melinda Anderson and Vanessa Williams, is awarding six stipends of $1,500 each, with the stipends going toward the fabrication and installation of interactive art pieces on festival grounds. Previous winning pieces include a wide variety of imaginative DIY constructions, including structures that provide festivalgoers with shade and relaxation, such as “Camp Chillout,” as well as more bizarre, less-definable pieces, such as “Wild Aesthetic,” which was inspired by the endemic flora of Socotra Island.

In many ways, it would be so much easier for Movement to simply hire an outside company to build installations for the festival — it would free the festival organizers from having to judge submissions, choose winners and then rely on winning artists to coordinate the construction and installation of their pieces, not to mention the supervision and management of the pieces throughout the three-day festival. But the Movement instead recognizes that Detroit is its home base — a city that’s teeming with talented and enthusiastic artists — and there’s no better way to give back to the community that supports it than by providing a highly visible platform for local artists to display their creativity and talents. It is precisely this kind of cooperation and collaboration that makes Detroit the vibrant and exciting artist hub it’s become.

Camp Detroit is accepting applications until March 28, with winners to be notified on April 6. To get a better sense of the project, visit its website at