Catch a new play on the Green Line this weekend (literally)
Katherine Turczan, “Line” (detail), 2014, archival pigment prints, dimensions variable. Courtesy of MMAA
This weekend, Minnesota Museum of American Art (a Knight Arts grantee) will close its public transportation-themed exhibition, “From There to Here,” with a “mobile theater” performance of a new, crowd-sourced play written for the occasion by Jessica Huang in partnership with artists Ashley Hanson and Wing Young Huie.
This Saturday, October 18: the show starts at 1 p.m. near Raymond Station.
This interactive production aims to capture something of the distinct character, cultural traditions and shared histories that animate the diverse neighborhoods situated along the cities’ new light rail route. The substance of the show, called simply “Green Line Theater,” is drawn from one-on-one conversations with current and former residents, artists and historians, as well as a series of community “story swap” workshops the production team led at Springboard for the Arts, African Development Center, and Center for Hmong Arts and Talent in the past several weeks.
If you go, you’ll need to buy a light rail ticket and meet the cast this Saturday at 1 p.m. in the parking lot for Raymond Station on University Avenue, where the play will begin. According to the event description: “Following the first scene, audience members will board the Green Line and travel to the remaining scenes located near Hamline, Dale, 10th Street / Capitol, and Central Stations.” At the end of the production’s journey in Lowertown, everyone will walk to the MMAA Project Space just a couple of blocks away to watch the final scene. Immediately following the show, audience members are invited to stick around for a reception with the Green Line Theater production team.
“Green Line Theater” will begin Saturday, October 18 at 1 p.m. Audience members may park in the lot near Raymond Station, at 2314 University Avenue W., and return via the Green Line after the performance concludes to retrieve their vehicles. The performance is free with a METRO ticket, but audience members must register online to attend. The celebratory reception at the MMAA Project Space from 2:30 to 4 p.m. is also free, and open to the public. The last day to see the exhibition, “From There to Here,” is Sunday, October 19. For more information, visit www.mmaa.org.
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