CircX celebrates 10 years at the Fillmore – Knight Foundation

CircX celebrates 10 years at the Fillmore

The Miami based performance troupe CircX celebrated its 10th anniversary at the Fillmore with a salaciously disjointed collage of burlesque acts that fit beautifully within the bizarre context of South Beach, where the line between performance art and strolling down Lincoln Road is sometimes difficult to distinguish.

Boots at CircX.

Emceed by the intoxicating Octavio Campos, CircX began with Campos serenading Steven, a random audience member, with Luz Casal’s “Un Ano de Amor.” I was impressed with Campos’ raspy voice and his stage presence. His confidence and warmth immediately disarmed the audience and released their inhibitions. We were all in and ready for what was to come next.

What came next isn’t fit for print, but let’s just say there were scantily to barely clad dancers, mesmerizing aerialists, a pair of kinky lemons, an army of platform shoes as tall as the Empire State Building, an appearance by the ghost of Edith Piaf and outrageous audience participation.

The audience participation sections included impromptu headstands while rapping, Twinkies and PG-13 lap dances, among other nefarious activities. Angela, a 68 year-old Ecuadorian woman, stole the show when she performed with a Twinkie to Prince’s “Kiss.” She received a standing ovation and a free drink ticket.

CircX is seductive and fearless. It demystifies vice and turns naughty into art. The troupe’s performances are havens where audience members become participants in the drama — art makers instead of passive observers. This is what makes CircX memorable and why its 20th anniversary will probably need a bigger venue.