2600+ tweets from #civicmedia – Knight Foundation

2600+ tweets from #civicmedia

KnightBlog is sharing data visualizations from this week’s MIT-Knight Civic Media Conference, focused on the future of news and information and the theme “The Story & the Algorithm.” For more, follow #civicmedia and @knightfdn.

People following and attending the MIT-Knight Civic Media Conference yesterday posted more than 2,600 tweets with the #civicmedia hashtag. This chart shows the total number of tweets by hour. Clear spikes are evident during the opening “Turning Data into Narrative” panel and around 1:30 p.m., when the Knight News Challenge winners were announced: 

This version of the chart shows #civicmedia tweets by the minute, beginning at 9 a.m. The same spikes related to conference activity are evident. Sixteen tweets were posted at 1:32 p.m., for example:

And, finally, here are the top 20 most prolific users of the hashtag:


Please let us know if you have ideas for future visualizations. Follow @stiles for future posts.

Matt Stiles, a digital journalist for NPR, created these visualizations for KnightBlog. Watch the conference livestream at knightfoundation.org/live.

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