Community Supported Art makes headlines – Knight Foundation

Community Supported Art makes headlines

By Laura Zabel, Springboard for the Arts

There is a healthy delight to making a salad from the fresh tomatoes, carrots and kale that show up in a Community Supported Agriculture share. There is also a healthy delight in seeing The New York Times and television outlets pick up on what 40 communities around the country have already realized – that Community Supported Art is an organic way to establish relationships between artists and buyers, build vibrancy and grow local economies. Started four years ago by Springboard for the Arts and, and based on the agriculture model, the Community Supported Art idea would not have spread so quickly and effectively without a toolkit developed in partnership with the Knight Foundation. This is the kind of co-operation that points the way toward future movement – sharing what we know and adapting resources to meet each communities’ needs. Collaboration like this, like those veggies, is good for everyone.