Composer Conversations inspire audiences

 – Knight Foundation

Composer Conversations inspire audiences

By Bonnie Marshall, American Composers Forum

Over pints of beer and baskets of French fries, lovers and listeners of music gather at the Amsterdam Bar and Hall in downtown St. Paul to hear directly from people who write music. Celebrated composers, such as Pulitzer Prize-winning John Harbison, are there to talk about their creative process – from past influences to current inspirations. Over the course an hour, Minnesota Public Radio’s Emily Reese poses thoughtful questions to each visiting composer with time for audience discussion.

Soprano Dawn Upshaw, Composer Shawn Jaeger and MPR’s Emily Reese enjoy a lively exchange during a Composer Conversation in October.Photo credit: Jim Nihart.

The event attracts people of all ages and musical interests. Some are season tickets holders of the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, and some are new faces who share a passion for composing. Joe Peterson, a high school senior at the St. Paul Conservatory for Performing Arts, enjoys the casual environment, as well the content. “I like the intimate setting of the conversations and being able to have some fries and listen to one of the world’s foremost living composers talk,” says Joe, who recently auditioned on violin at the Cleveland Institute of Music and is interested in studying chamber music and orchestral work with a penchant for new music. Joe is inspired by the careers of composers, “It’s very cool getting to know these guys through listening and watching and being involved in the conversation. It makes them more human and the success they have achieved seem more attainable.”

The Composer Conversation Series is a partnership of the American Composers Forum (ACF), St. Paul Chamber Orchestra (SPCO) and Minnesota Public Radio (MPR). The series is intended for music lovers of all stripes and featuring some of today’s most original, prominent and prestigious voices in composition. Hosted by Classical MPR’s Emily Reese and Fred Child, the current season has featured live interviews with distinctive creators John Harbison, Shawn Jaeger and Dawn Upshaw and Matthias Pintscher.

Upcoming spring events are scheduled with Timo Andres (3/20/14 at 7:00 pm), John Luther Adams (April 2, 2014) and Vivian Fung (April 9, 2014):

On March 20th, composer-performers Timo Andres, Gabriel Kahane, Ted Hearne, Becca Stevens and Nathan Koci will be the featured artists for a Composer Conversation. These artists represent today’s liveliest new voices in chamber music. They will perform live during a Liquid Music concert on March 21 and 22 at the Music Room at the SPCO Center.

On April 2nd, John Luther Adams, called “one of the most original musical thinkers of the new century” by Alex Ross of The New Yorker, will join Conversations and speak about his interest in environmental awareness and composition.

Canadian composer, Vivian Fung, whose music often merges Western forms with non-Western influences, will be the featured composer on April 9th and complete this season’s Composer Conversation Series.

Each of these events will be held at the Amsterdam Bar & Hall in downtown St. Paul and feature time devoted for audience Q&A and informal post-show receptions. Each event is free and open to the public, but reservations are required. For more information and to reserve tickets, visit the American Composers Forum’s website.