“Connectivity”: artistic intersections – Knight Foundation

“Connectivity”: artistic intersections

Janet Echelman, “Wave Drawings.” Photo courtesy of the McColl Center for Visual Art

Connectivity,” the collaborative exhibition between the McColl Center for Visual Art (a Knight Arts grantee) and Cynthia-Reeves Projects, ends this Saturday, June 15. Exploring and mapping the complex intersections of inspiration and creativity, “Connectivity” evokes the mission of the McColl Center and its dedication to creating connections between artists, communities, and contemporary art. Through artist residences, outreach efforts and exhibitions, the McColl Center promotes their belief that art is a catalyst for cultural advancement.

Featuring works by Janet Echelman, Yizkah Elyashiv, Beth Galston, Beth Ganz, John Grade, Daniel Kohn, Jonathan Prince, Shuli Sade, George Sherwood and Claire Watkins, “Connectivity” brings many artists to Charlotte for the first time. The major theme running throughout “Connectivity” is the intersection between science and art, and the fact that science is often an inspiration or catalyst to great art. The curator of the show, Cynthia Reeves, noted that “artists frequently draw from their observations of the natural world at both a macro and micro level. These observations enliven their creative inquiry — it is as if they come back to a touchstone.”

Several works in “Connectivity” explore current environmental issues, exciting scientific innovations and/or occurrences in the natural world. Janet Echelman’s net installation, “Wave Drawings,” is based on wave patterns generated by seismic activity. Echelman’s sculptures combines the textile traditions of Bali and net weaving techniques of fishermen in India. Beth Galston’s “Luminous Gardens” creates an immersive environment intended to convey a mood or certain ambience as viewers walk through the space. “Luminous Gardens” plays with light and shadow, allowing viewers to feel as if they were walking through an underwater garden, and thus they become participants in the art, not just viewers.

Beth Galston, "Luminous Gardens.” Photo courtesy of the McColl Center for Visual Art.

Beth Galston, “Luminous Gardens.” Photo courtesy of the McColl Center for Visual Art.

“Connectivity” is in its final days at the McColl Center for Visual Art. Don’t miss this unique and thought-provoking exhibition.

McColl Center for Visual Art: 721 N. Tryon St., Charlotte; 704-332-5535; www.mccollcenter.org