View archived chat about Knight Arts Challenge Miami
Take a look at the questions submitted for the live chat, with answers from Knight Foundation staff. Bookmark: http://www.knightarts.org/community/miami/knight-arts-challenge-miami/coveritlive Ask Questions About Knight Arts Challenge Miami (02/23/2011) Close 2:14 Marika Lynch: Hi there, welcome to today’s Live Chat on the Knight Arts Challenge Miami. Go ahead and start submitting your questions. We’ll be monitoring the conversation virtually and will be starting at 2:30. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:14 Marika Lynch 2:14 Dennis Scholl: hi Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:14 Dennis Scholl 2:15

Marika Lynch: Hi Dennis! We’ll be joined here as you can see by Dennis Scholl and Stuart Kennedy of Knight Foundation. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:15 Marika Lynch 2:18

Marika Lynch: Today’s chat will be recorded and archived at KnightArts.org, so you can reference it in the future. Just an FYI, there is no audio portion today. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:18 Marika Lynch 2:18

Stuart Kennedy: Hi everyone! Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:18 Stuart Kennedy 2:28

Marika Lynch: We’ve gotten a question on the blog today: Can this challenge grant be used for technology development for performing arts organizations? Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:28 Marika Lynch 2:29

Dennis Scholl: Absolutely, great question. We’re very interested in the use of technology in the arts, particularly in the area of digital audience engagement. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:29 Dennis Scholl 2:31 [Comment From annamariaannamaria: ] should i have audio on this. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:31 annamaria 2:31

Marika Lynch: Hi Annamaria, There’s no audio portion today. Send us your questions and we’ll answer them! Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:31 Marika Lynch 2:33

Marika Lynch: Dennis, what kind of trends have you seen in applications so far? Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:33 Marika Lynch 2:33

Dennis Scholl: We’re seeing a number of mobile applications requests, particularly from legacy arts institutions, as they try to reach a new segment of the audience. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:33 Dennis Scholl 2:34 [Comment From annamariaannamaria: ] when you indicate that this is a tri-county which counties are included? Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:34 annamaria 2:34

Stuart Kennedy: Hi Anna Maria, we accept ideas Miami-Dade, Droward, Palm Beach and Monroe counties. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:34 Stuart Kennedy 2:35 [Comment From annamariaannamaria: ] thank You Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:35 annamaria 2:35

Stuart Kennedy: ..and in past years we’ve had finalists from all four counties. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:35 Stuart Kennedy 2:37

Marika Lynch: We’re posting tips all week to the KnightArts blog about Challenge applications. Stuart, what’s one tip you give applicants? Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:37 Marika Lynch 2:39

Stuart Kennedy: I always like to remind applicants to make sure their first two sentences are the best two sentences in the application. Our panel of readers review over 1,000 ideas each year, so you want to draw them in from the start. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:39 Stuart Kennedy 2:40

Marika Lynch: Dennis, what makes an idea great? Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:40 Marika Lynch 2:41

Dennis Scholl: What makes a great idea is a concept that generally has some momentum, something where the person has worked on it on their own and put in a little sweat equity, as the contest is looking to fuel the momentum in the arts in South Florida. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:41 Dennis Scholl 2:41 How did you hear about the Challenge? news reports ( 6% ) email blast/social media ( 59% ) through an ad ( 0% ) from a friend ( 35% ) Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:41 2:42 [Comment From ArturoArturo: ] Can I enter as a for-profit company? I have a stage production firm… Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:42 Arturo 2:43

Stuart Kennedy: Hi Arturo. Anyone is eligible to apply! You can apply as a for-profit, non-profit, or individual. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:43 Stuart Kennedy 2:45

Marika Lynch: We had another comment on our blog today from a local theater: “Hi. I’m wondering if the Knight Foundation would consider a proposal previously submitted?” Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:45 Marika Lynch 2:47

Marika Lynch: Here’s more to that question: We submitted a proposal last year and was finalist. Unfortunately, this project did not receive final support. However, we are going ahead and launching this project ourselves and raising matching support. It is a significant project to our core mission, and something we believe will truly impact and improve our community. May we re-submit this proposal for consideration for the Knight Arts Challenge? Would the funds that we raise, now, for the project be able to be considered as part of the matching funds if we were, ultimately, to receive support from the Knight Arts Challege? Thank you Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:47 Marika Lynch 2:53

Stuart Kennedy: Yes, you can and should resubmit your idea. A project that was a finalist last year was one of only 45 chosen out of 1,000. The readers group who reviews the ideas changes each year, so you never know which ideas might be selected as finalists and winners each year. However, the time period during which you can raise matching funds begins once we inform you that you are a winner. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:53 Stuart Kennedy 2:55

Marika Lynch: Hi everybody, sorry if you had trouble logging in. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:55 Marika Lynch 2:56

Marika Lynch: Please go ahead and submit your questions. We’ll also try to answer the ones left on the blog. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:56 Marika Lynch 2:56

Marika Lynch: Here’s another question from a local theater: At what stage in the application process does one submit a budget for the proposal? If chosen, how long does an applicant have to come up with the matching funds? Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:56 Marika Lynch 2:59

Dennis Scholl: The initial application is 150 words maximum. If you are chosen as a finalist you, will be asked to submit a budget as part of your 3-page proposal. The length of time a winner has to match depends on the length of the project. A one year project generally has up to a year to match. Wednesday February 23, 2011 2:59 Dennis Scholl 3:01 [Comment From Sebrina AlfonsoSebrina Alfonso: ] Can an arts organization collaborate with a social group for a grant? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:01 Sebrina Alfonso 3:01

Stuart Kennedy: Hi Sabrina, Yes, we encourage collaboration in the arts and will accept applications from multiple organizations. Please keep in mind that this is an arts contest and we’re looking for South Florida’s best arts ideas. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:01 Stuart Kennedy 3:03 [Comment From jonjon: ] hey guys. i’m interested in making a documentary about a historical event in south florida e.g. the liberty city riots of 1980. would something like this, told through an artistic medium such as a documentary film, qualify for the knight arts challenge? or would the subject matter have to be art related? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:03 jon 3:03

Dennis Scholl: Hi Jon, film and other visual media are definitely one of the artistic disciplines we would consider for the Knight Arts Challenge. We would encourage you to submit your idea for consideration. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:03 Dennis Scholl 3:05 [Comment From Miriam CannonMiriam Cannon: ] Last year in our application we focused on our need for operating expenses as well as the funding for scholarships for a once-a-year program. Would we be more likely considered by Knight for a grant if we planned a year-round program? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:05 Miriam Cannon 3:05

Stuart Kennedy: Hi Miriam, We are looking for innovative ideas to help transform South Florida throught the arts. Submitting an innovative idea from your organization is the best way to succeed in the Challenge. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:05 Stuart Kennedy 3:06 [Comment From CarolCarol: ] May an organization submit a proposal in more than one area? The organization I am working with qualifies under both music and theater. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:06 Carol 3:08 Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:08 3:09

Stuart Kennedy: Hello Carol, Applicants can submit as many ideas as they like. Multiple ideas do not need to be included under the same artistic discipline. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:09 Stuart Kennedy 3:09

Marika Lynch: Hope you enjoy the video above by Jillian Mayer Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:09 Marika Lynch 3:09 [Comment From KellyKelly: ] I’m wondering if the Knight Arts Challenge funds only permanent projects or does it also fund art projects that are a series of temporary installations Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:09 Kelly 3:09

Dennis Scholl: Hi Kelly, a number of winners of the Knight Arts Challenge have successfully completed temporary projects. One example that comes to mind is DawnTown, a winner of the challenge in 2010 for an annual contest that invites submissions for a temporary structure in Downtown Miami. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:09 Dennis Scholl 3:09 [Comment From jonjon: ] okay thanks Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:09 jon 3:11 [Comment From Tim FathTim Fath: ] I would like to ask about collabarating. What if a potential collabarator is not from South Florida, but they are experts (nationally recognized in their field)? In our case the performance, performers, and staging will all be here in South Florida but elements could potentially be made / designed elesewhere. Not a good idea? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:11 Tim Fath 3:11

Dennis Scholl: Actually, a fine idea. The rules of the contest require that your idea must take place in or benefit South Florida. So, collaborators from another region are perfectly fine. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:11 Dennis Scholl 3:11 [Comment From Annie HollingsworthAnnie Hollingsworth: ] Hi everyone, can you clarify what needs to be included in the 150 words? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:11 Annie Hollingsworth 3:12

Stuart Kennedy: You are free to use your 150 words as you see fit. After reading your application, the readers should have a clear idea of what your project is and what the benefits will be for you, your organization and/or the community. Annie, a winner of the Artlurker writing prize, like you, should know exactly what to say when it comes to 150 words. 😉 Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:12 Stuart Kennedy 3:12 [Comment From nachamanachama: ] Just to clarify – it the initial proposal 1020 words or 150 words? I thought the application page said 1020. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:12 nachama 3:13

Dennis Scholl: Hi Nachama, we use 150 words as a rule of thumb, but the actual program is designed to accept no more than 1020 key strokes. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:13 Dennis Scholl 3:16 [Comment From Mirtha SotoMirtha Soto: ] Would you say it’s better to submit one proposal composed of several “parts”, or to create individual proposals for each “part” ? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:16 Mirtha Soto 3:16

Dennis Scholl: Hi Mirtha, remember, you’ve only got a 150 words to describe your idea. So, use them carefully. If it’s one project it should be submitted as one idea. If your project consists of a series of ideas that can be funded separately, you should create individual proposals accordingly. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:16 Dennis Scholl 3:17

Dennis Scholl: You’re welcome, Jon! Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:17 Dennis Scholl 3:17 [Comment From Mirtha SotoMirtha Soto: ] Ok thank you. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:17 Mirtha Soto 3:17 [Comment From KellyKelly: ] So we do NOT have to include the TOTAL cost of the project in this 150 word proposal we submit next week is this correct? The projected cost of the project would come later if our idea got accepted and we were asked to submit a full grant proposal? Also, what is the total dollar value of the grant that we should keep in mind when submitting the proposal? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:17 Kelly 3:17

Stuart Kennedy: Hi Kelly, You do not need to include the dollar amount in your initial application. You are correct, if we invite you to submit a full 3-page proposal, we will also request a project budget at that time. Keep in mind that the total Knight Arts Challenge is a $20 million initiative over five years. This amount is divided between many winners over the life of the Challenge. If you’d like some context, check out previous years’ winners at KnightArts.org. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:17 Stuart Kennedy 3:19

Marika Lynch: Thanks everybody for hanging in there, despite our technical problems. We’re taking questions until 3:30, and then Stuart and Dennis will be at the Town Hall meeting at 5:30 at the Little Haiti Cultural Center. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:19 Marika Lynch 3:20 [Comment From Chrystal HartiganChrystal Hartigan: ] I am a music promoter here in south Florida, if I already have a monthly program (Songwriters Showcase) can the funds be used to enhance the already established program and take the event to a highly level or must we create something new in order to apply for a grant? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:20 Chrystal Hartigan 3:20

Stuart Kennedy: Hi Crystal, Often times Knight Arts Challenge grants are given to add to existing momentum in an already established project. In fact, we like to see that an applicant has developed an idea to a certain extent already and that they have invested a good amount of ‘sweat equity’. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:20 Stuart Kennedy 3:20 [Comment From GuestGuest: ] I wanted to revise my application. How may I access it? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:20 Guest 3:21

Marika Lynch: Hi there, there isn’t actually a way to revise it. Please go ahead and submit a new application, thanks! Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:21 Marika Lynch 3:21 [Comment From JennifferJenniffer: ] what exactly makes one idea more likely to be chosen? How innovative it is? Or are there other stressed factors? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:21 Jenniffer 3:21

Dennis Scholl: Hi Jenniffer, innovation is certainly one of the key factors in the selection of the winning ideas. Other factors include – an idea that has momentum in the community and also whether the applicant has the know-how to get the project done. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:21 Dennis Scholl 3:22

Marika Lynch: Just a reminder that this Live Chat will be archived at KnightArts.org. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:22 Marika Lynch 3:23 Are you considering submitting a project that involves dance ( 17% ) theater ( 11% ) music ( 11% ) visual arts ( 33% ) the literary arts ( 0% ) a combination of the above ( 28% ) Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:23 3:23

Stuart Kennedy: Wendy, The contest is open to anyone – for-profit, non-profit or individual. We’ll let you decide whether it makes more sense for your project to apply as an individual or under your non-profit. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:23 Stuart Kennedy 3:23 [Comment From WendyWendy: ] Hi Kelly, Is it best to apply as an individual artist as I am also a principal in my own non-profit. Thanks! Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:23 Wendy 3:23 [Comment From GuestGuest: ] Thank you. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:23 Guest 3:24 [Comment From KellyKelly: ] can you clarify for me…does this ENTIRE project have to begin and end in a year? If the project can extend past 12 months, what is the maximum time limit the project can run? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:24 Kelly 3:24

Dennis Scholl: Hi Kelly, generally projects can take from 1 to 3 years. It just depends on your idea and how it will take to execute it. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:24 Dennis Scholl 3:24

Dennis Scholl: You’re welcome, Mirtha. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:24 Dennis Scholl 3:26 [Comment From Chrystal HartiganChrystal Hartigan: ] Thank you Stuart, see everyone at the meeting later! Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:26 Chrystal Hartigan 3:26 [Comment From GeorgeGeorge: ] If an exhibition or radio show, for example included both SoFL and non-SoFL participants would it be viewed less favorably than if exclusively SoFL in its focus? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:26 George 3:27

Dennis Scholl: Hi George, the contest rules require that your idea must take place in or benefit South Florida. A show such as you described that had significant South Florida components would qualify for the challenge. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:27 Dennis Scholl 3:27 [Comment From Miriam CannonMiriam Cannon: ] Thanks, Stuart. Our organization is one of few in South Florida of its kind, promoting an ethic dance genre — any tips on what types of innovation you may be looking for? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:27 Miriam Cannon 3:27

Stuart Kennedy: Miriam, One good place to look is the list of 78 winners on KnightArts.org as they run the gammet on the scope of innovative ideas in South Florida. The contest is designed to be as open as possible to encourage creative entries from the community. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:27 Stuart Kennedy 3:28 Have you already submitted an application for the 2011 Challenge? Yes ( 6% ) Yes, and I’ll submit another ( 6% ) Not yet ( 88% ) Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:28 3:29 [Comment From BabsBabs: ] Cool video! Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:29 Babs 3:29

Marika Lynch: Thanks Babs, it’s by local artist Jillian Mayer Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:29 Marika Lynch 3:29 [Comment From AnnieAnnie: ] Also, any recommendations for someone starting a new project (i.e., no sweat equity yet)? My idea is built upon other work I have done but is entirely new and of a much larger scale. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:29 Annie 3:29

Dennis Scholl: Annie, in submitting an application for a brand new idea, it’s important to convey what you’re building upon and what momentum you’ve been able to bring to the idea to date. PS a great title always helps. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:29 Dennis Scholl 3:30 [Comment From AnnieAnnie: ] Haha thanks Stuart. Also, I’m curious of an example of a project that doesn’t take place in S. Florida but benefits S. Florida. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:30 Annie 3:30

Stuart Kennedy: Annie, One example might be if a Miami-based artist or organization were to travel outside of South Florida to present their work, bringing increased visibility and prestige to South Florida’s artistic offerings. Another might be a film about South Florida that is viewed at film festivals across the country. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:30 Stuart Kennedy 3:32 [Comment From Sebrina AlfonsoSebrina Alfonso: ] Does this fit in line with the guidelines of the foundation? We would like to engage women in the audio and visual arts through symphony concerts and events, leadership training in order to educate, motivate and empower women to expand the audience of the cultural arts community. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:32 Sebrina Alfonso 3:32

Stuart Kennedy: Hi Sebrina, As long as your idea is about the arts it fits within the guidelines of the Knight Arts Challenge. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:32 Stuart Kennedy 3:33

Marika Lynch: We’re going to keep going for a few minutes. We’re trying to get to all the questions, thanks for your patience! Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:33 Marika Lynch 3:33 [Comment From SandySandy: ] Are you looking for proposals from established organizations, or could one submit a proposal to found an organization? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:33 Sandy 3:33

Dennis Scholl: Hi Sandy, we have funded a number of brand-new organizations via the challenge. One that comes to mind is the Miami Music Project. Another is Gean Moreno’s artist book [Name] Publications. A third, O Cinema, an independent cinema in Wynwood opens this week! You can read more about it on KnightArts.org. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:33 Dennis Scholl 3:34

Dennis Scholl: You’re welcome, Jenniffer! Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:34 Dennis Scholl 3:34 [Comment From JennifferJenniffer: ] Thanks Dennis! Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:34 Jenniffer 3:35 [Comment From Tama LeaoTama Leao: ] We have Polynesian Culture Association, Inc. here in south florida, how about the Polynesian Cultural Festival? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:35 Tama Leao 3:35

Stuart Kennedy: Hi Tama, Go ahead and submit your idea so that the readers panel has a chance to review it. The application is only 150 words! Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:35 Stuart Kennedy 3:36 [Comment From PaulPaul: ] Would up pick a application that is similar to an established idea from another city that Knight may or may not have funded? a Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:36 Paul 3:36

Dennis Scholl: Paul, this is actually a very good question. One of the things we always think about in South Florida is how young an arts community we really are. So, an established art idea in another city might be something that South Florida could really use. I say go for it. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:36 Dennis Scholl 3:37 [Comment From PaulPaul: ] Are you more likely to give a grant to an established non-profit over individuals? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:37 Paul 3:37

Dennis Scholl: Paul, no the contest is open to everyone. I know we say this a lot, but it really is about the best art ideas. Sometimes an establish organization will come up with a novel idea, other times, it’s an individual artist or young collective. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:37 Dennis Scholl 3:39 [Comment From GeorgeGeorge: ] Is it necessary to have formal prior arrangement with prospective collaborating organizations whom we name in our application or can that be sorted out if we get to 2nd base? Also, if application involves a team of 3 partners (not an organization) can that be noted in the application, or does it need to have a single named lead, as the form would indicate? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:39 George 3:39

Stuart Kennedy: George, It is not necessary to have a formal arrangement with prospective collaborating organizations. This is something that can be something worked out further down the line. However, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have a conversation with the collaborating organizations beforehand to gauge their interest. If multiple organizations are applying, one organization should submit the application and the others should be mentioned in the application. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:39 Stuart Kennedy 3:40 [Comment From James LaBonteJames LaBonte: ] How interested is the Knight foundation in new educational and instructional programs in music Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:40 James LaBonte 3:40

Dennis Scholl: James, as I think you can see by the 78 winners in the first 3 years of the contest, both arts education and music play a big role in the South Florida Knight Arts Challenge. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:40 Dennis Scholl 3:40 [Comment From PaulPaul: ] What things turn you off right away on applications? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:40 Paul 3:40

Stuart Kennedy: AN APPLICATION SUBMITTED IN ALL CAPS is definitely a turn off. I think they call it shouting… Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:40 Stuart Kennedy 3:42 [Comment From guestguest: ] Could you talk a little about art versus art for a social purpose? Would a theatrical piece used to help in an educaitonal setting be considered more ‘social purpose’? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:42 guest 3:42

Dennis Scholl: We see a lot of proposals that intertwine art and social purpose. As the contest is primarily seeking the best arts ideas, that should be your guide in determining if your projects meets the guidelines of the contest. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:42 Dennis Scholl 3:44 [Comment From AnnieAnnie: ] Hello, last question for now: if and when the grant is won, when would funds be distributed? Thank you everyone. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:44 Annie 3:44

Stuart Kennedy: We will announce the winners in late November, 2011. If you are successful in receiving a Knight Arts Challenge grant, you will be able to receive your grant funds as soon after that date as you show us your matching funds. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:44 Stuart Kennedy 3:44 [Comment From PaulPaul: ] If an individual has ties to a well known non-profit who gets funding from Knight does that lessen his chance of getting a grant? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:44 Paul 3:44

Dennis Scholl: Hi Paul, we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – this is really about the best arts ideas. Since the contest is open to everyone, the kind of affiliations you describe should neither help nor hinder your application. I hope you’ll submit. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:44 Dennis Scholl 3:47 [Comment From GeorgeGeorge: ] Thanks, Dennis. But just to clarify, does an exclusively South Florida focus to a project gain significant edge over same project that’s less exclusive? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:47 George 3:48 [Comment From Dan GrechDan Grech: ] How specific do you need to be in the initial proposal about the technology you would use for your project? For instance, if there are several platforms that you could use, is it okay to hold off on the hard work of picking among them? Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:48 Dan Grech 3:49

Dennis Scholl: Hey Dan, you’ve only got 150 words, if you use them up describing your hardware platforms, you won’t have much room left to describe your great idea. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:49 Dennis Scholl 3:52

Dennis Scholl: George, as the contest is South Florida-based, I would say that an idea that is exclusively South Florida-oriented would be looked upon very favorably, as opposed to an idea in which South Florida was only related tangentially. Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:52 Dennis Scholl 3:53

Marika Lynch: Thanks so much for joining us. Hope you can make it tonight to the Town Hall, or let your friends know about it. Also, we’ll be posting tips all week to the blog at KnightArts.org Best of luck, and don’t forget to apply by the March 2 deadline! Wednesday February 23, 2011 3:53 Marika Lynch 4:25

Robertson Adams: Thank you for joining us. If you have questions that were not answered you can leave them as comments at the bottom of this page or you can email them to [email protected]. Wednesday February 23, 2011 4:25 Robertson Adams 4:29

The above is an archived chat. We’re sorry but you can not submit questions here. Please email questions to [email protected].
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