Creative Alternative spotlights art by Kari McCall Waltz – Knight Foundation

Creative Alternative spotlights art by Kari McCall Waltz

Kari McCall Waltz painting.

Creative Alternative has been the stomping grounds for after school and summer programs for 35 years. Brooks Whittle Dantzler is an art educator who founded this studio, learning facility and gallery. She keeps it open all year long to teach private art classes to all ages. However, Creative Alternative has been highly recognized for its Summer Art Camp programs, which focus on visual art categories such as painting and drawing. The students learn how to create multimedia artwork, portfolios and objects made of clay. Outside of the visual art discipline, the studio offers music lessons.

Kari McCall Waltz painting

Kari McCall Waltz painting.

Dantzler focuses on teaching the painting and drawing. Nonetheless, Debbie Vogel directs the ceramic courses, and Terry Cantwell instructs the guitar and piano lessons. Each one of these mentors has a solid background in arts education. Together, their experience spans from grade school to universities.

When Creative Alternative isn’t being used as a studio or educational facility, it takes on the role of a gallery to highlight artists, especially those who produce visuals. Kari McCall Waltz will be the featured artist on March 2. The exhibit is titled, “Art by Kari: A Creative Alternative Solo Art Show.” She uses multimedia to express herself through painting and drawing. Although, Waltz is a native of Roswell, New Mexico, Macon has become home for her. And, just like Dantzler, Cantwell and Vogel, she was an art teacher in the school system. Currently, she commissions her art to customers and exhibits it in galleries.

Kari McCall Waltz - the artist

Kari McCall Waltz – the artist.

Creative Alternative: 262 Riley Ave., Macon; 478-474-8457