Crowdfunding Rhythms of Africa 2013 – Knight Foundation

Crowdfunding Rhythms of Africa 2013

By Steve Klotz, Embrace Music Foundation

Knight Foundation grantees know that the challenge of expanding their base of support accompanies their award.  Embrace Music Foundation (EMF), contracted to conduct two Rhythms of Africa projects in 2013, regards the prestigious grant as the launch of its campaign rather than the end,  a powerful incentive for the community to support these transformational programs.

The first Rhythms of Africa program begins in earnest on Sunday, November 4 at 3 PM when the first of nine 2-hour percussion workshops begin in Coconut Grove’s Verrick Park.  Participants will meet weekly, then perform at the Adrienne Arsht Center at its Family Fest concert on January 12.   Guided by “Reggae Ambassador” Willie Stewart — master percussionist, Knight Arts Challenge grantee, and founding member of world renowned reggae band Third World —  35 youngsters and their mentors from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Miami will evolve from musical novices to a tight percussion ensemble.

To help raise additional support, EMF turned to IndieGoGo, a crowdfunding website that allows individuals and organizations to post information about their projects, and invite interested parties to send support.  There is no limit, high or low, to the dollar amount of a contribution, and the more activity at any level on the website, the more prominently the campaign appears.  And because EMF is a 501(c)(3) corporation, donors may claim their support as charitable contributions for tax purposes. The site may be accessed here.

Crowdfunding not only assists artists with achieving their goals, it provides opportunities for communities to give back, to show support for projects they value.   Over the last two years, EMF and Rhythms of Africa touched the lives of thousands of South Floridians through workshops, school presentations, and performances at no cost to participants or audiences.  Here’s the chance for those constituents to make sure these programs continue.