Cultural Passport students explore Vizcaya – Knight Foundation

Cultural Passport students explore Vizcaya

Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, one of Miami’s National Historic Landmarks, is pleased to provide field study experiences in the arts, history and environment as one of the Cultural Passport partners for 4th grade students and teachers. This year Vizcaya welcomed 674 students and 69 chaperones.

Post-visit evaluations are shared with each visiting group. When asked how the field study supported student learning a first-time visiting teacher reported: “It tied into our Social Studies lesson on the Growth and History of Florida. Furthermore, surprisingly it related to our reading lesson on the book The Secret Garden. Students enjoyed making connections to the story.”

Students, many of them also first-time visitors to Vizcaya, enjoyed their learning excursion. Provided with writing prompts from Vizcaya, back at school students reflected upon how the field study would impact their learning. My visit to Vizcaya will help me… “in Science because I saw rocks that I’m studying.”

Students are also thinking about the next time they visit: “Next time when I go with my parents I can tell them what the tour guides said.” And, “What will Vizcaya look like the next time I visit?”

Vizcaya looks forward to continuing its partnership with Cultural Passport and hosting more students next year!

The Secret Garden at Vizcaya Museum and Gardens