Culture & quilting: Random Acts of Culture™surprises Minnesota Quilters – Knight Foundation

Culture & quilting: Random Acts of Culture™surprises Minnesota Quilters

By Brian Woods, The Schubert Club—a member of The Arts Partnership

Quilters & culture are a great match! Random Acts of Culture™ took the Minnesota Quilters’ 33rd Annual Quilt Show and Conference by storm this month, surprising attendees & convention center staff with 15 performances throughout the three-day conference. From June 16-18, a string quartet from the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra performed Mozart and Haydn while singers from the Minnesota Opera separately performed duos by Mozart and solo arias by Puccini. Quilters were amazed as they browsed, ate and mingled.

Attendees approached the performers after each Random Act of Culture® to show their appreciation and enthusiasm. Several were overcome by the experience and, with tears in their eyes, hugged the singers in gratitude for their performance. A comment overheard after the Random Acts of Culture sign was raised: “Ever since I read about Random Acts, I’ve hoped to be a part of one. I’m so happy!”