Enjoy a great confluence of poetry and art
Jonathan K. Rice, editor of the Iodine Poetry Journal, describes the monthly readings at Green Rice Gallery as a “Great confluence of poetry and art.” M. Scott Douglass, the owner of Main Street Rag, describes these gatherings as a little different than your typical poetry readings. They are not stuffy. Instead, they are a place to access contemporary poetry in an ever-changing art gallery setting. These two men, who know poetry and have been publishing and sharing it with others for many years, encourage you to attend the gallery the last Friday of the month, including May 27 from 7 to 9 p.m., for an experience in poetry.
Whether poetry slams or more traditional poetry readings in intimate settings, one can find pockets of poetry in Charlotte. Douglass has been part of this history for many years, sharing poetry at the long-gone Ubiquitous Gallery on Seventh Street. And Rice has been hosting an open mike night at Jackson’s Java in the University area for 12 years now. Anyone who loves poetry knows it is about the delivery of the words, not simply the words themselves. Poetry needs to be experienced live with other humans.
Like all art forms, each poetry event has its own particular feel and flavor. The best things about these Green Rice Gallery readings are the hosts, Douglass and Rice, who make the evening a relaxed, fun, even entertaining time. (Remember Rowan and Martin?) There’s no need to be nervous. One can even read another person’s poetry. It is all about celebrating the arts in a laid back, yet inspiring environment.
Experience the new art exhibition of the talented Green Rice artists and enjoy this sense of community with poets, writers and artists. In addition to the gallery space, Green Rice has a number of artists’ studios. Gallery owner Carla Garrison welcomes the opportunity to host these poetry events and understands the connection between the different art forms. Additionally, many of the covers for Main Street Rag books come from Green Rice artists, and Jonathan K. Rice, also a painter, has his studio space in this same building.
Please note that due to the Memorial Day holiday weekend, this event will be open mike only. Names will be drawn from a hat of the people signed up for open mike. Sign-up for open mike must be in person before 7:15 p.m. For details, e-mail [email protected].
Green Rice Poetry readings happen the last Friday of every month. On occasion, they are open mike events, and other times they feature better-known poets reading their work.
Green Rice Poetry Reading Series: May 27, Friday, 7 to 9 p.m. Green Rice Gallery, 451 E. 36th St., Charlotte, N.C. These events are always free and open to the public.
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