Event Preview: University of Wynwood Poetry Reading – Knight Foundation

Event Preview: University of Wynwood Poetry Reading

Enjoy art, conversation and mingling Friday, May 7 from 6-9pm as the University of Wynwood and Gallery Diet present a poetry reading by Zachary Schomburg and the opening of The Sunday Painter, a solo exhibition by NY artist JJ Peet. Schomburg, author of  The Man Suit and Scary, No Scary, is the last visiting poet in the 2009-2010 University of Wynwood Visiting Poet Series. The University of Wynwood is a Knight Foundation grantee determined to “create real cultural programming with an emphasis on contemporary poetry.” Continue reading for a preview of Schomburg’s work…


by Zachary Schomburg

One night, when

you return to your childhood

home after

a lifetime away,

you’ll find it

abandoned. Its

paint will be

completely weathered.

It will have

a significant westward lean.

There will be

a hole in its roof

that bats fly

out of.

The old man

hunched over

at the front door

will be prepared

to give you a tour,

but first he’ll ask

Scary, or no scary?

You should say

No scary.Poetry reading & gallery opening: Friday, May 7, 6-9pm, reading begins at 8pm; Gallery Diet, 174 NW 23 St, Miami