Event Preview: ZERO1 – Knight Foundation

Event Preview: ZERO1

From September 16-19, 2010 Silicon Valley will morph into a biennial playground as contemporary artists, engineers, designers, musicians, and creative thinkers from around the world participate in the 2010 01SJ Biennial taking place in San Jose, CA the heart of Silicon Valley. Today Doniece Sandoval, of ZER01, checks in with a preview. Read below for here thoughts & click her for a video promo…

Throughout the four days, Silicon Valley will turn into a playground of contemporary art, technology, and digital culture for public consumption. Featuring everything from experimental projects, premiere prototypes and whimsical installations, to living architecture activated by human input, retro-technologies and digital spectacles never before experienced, the 2010 ‘Build Your Own World’ 01SJ Biennial casts clues on the future faces of our cities, as inspired by some of the world’s foremost contemporary artists

Notes 01SJ Biennial Artistic Director, Steve Dietz, “The 2010 01SJ Biennial will present commissions from some of the world’s most innovative contemporary artists, shaping a fascinating and revealing exploration of how we as individuals can choose to use technology in creative ways, as both producers and consumers. All of the 01SJ Biennial’s commissioned artworks utilize some form of technology, be it experimental, advanced or seemingly simple tools, and address—from a variety of vantage points—the ways and means with which we can build better worlds, including through the utilization of technologically-enhanced capabilities ranging from amorphic robotics, bio-music, locative storytelling, and interactive large-scale signage to more utilitarian tools used to develop an effective and inexpensive microscope or to create an indoor orchard, and even futuristic visions of life as imagined through a multimedia opera, a drive-in theater fashioned out of salvaged cars, and radically re-imagined and responsive architecture.”

In addition to the 46 new art commissions, 9 exhibitions, 12 public art installations, 41 artist workshops, street celebrations, live music, film, performances, symposium and parallel programs, ZER01 will host a panel on collecting new media art called Collecting the Impossible including collectors such as Dennis Scholl, Vice President / Arts and Miami Program Director for the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and Jeff Dauber, Apple executive from San Francisco. For a full list, visit http://01sj.org/2010/events/collecting-the-impossible/.

To find out more about the 01SJ Biennial, including the Biennial schedule, a list of participating artists, history, and 01SJ partners visit: www.01sj.org.