Experiment @ Inkub8 – Knight Foundation

Experiment @ Inkub8

If you’ve ever wanted to move like a shape-shifter or create a new body language, the ongoing workshop series at Inkub8 is the place. Learn how to fly, spin, spiral, fall, leap, collapse and shout in new ways at the alternative, hybrid white box studio space in Wynwood.

Every Tuesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Inkub8 (a Knight Arts grantee) will hold affordable workshop/lab classes through May 31. A roster of local artists and Inkub8 artists-in-residence, including Letty Bassart, Niurca Marquez, David Hernandez, Joanne Barrett and others, will facilitate the workshops.

The cost is $5, which is a small price to pay for a two-hour workshop guided by leading and emerging artists in the community. Artists who experiment beyond the edge of expectation. The workshops are open to everyone from performers to non-performers, to the curious and the daring. Don’t be shy. Experimentation is the key to invention.

And, if you are an artist, Inkub8 is looking for you to lead classes toward the end of May. Contact Inkub8. *The blank slots are open to artists interested in leading classes.

For more information or to lead a class, contact Inkub8. 2021 N.W. First Place Miami, Fla. 33127 305-482-1621.

Schedule: April 3 to May 31 11 to 1:00 p.m.

April 2 Artist: Niurca Marquez April 5 Artist: Niurca Marquez April 10 Artist: Niurca Marquez April 12 Artist: Niurca Marquez April 17 Artist: Joanne Barrett April 19 Artist: Joanne Barrett April 24 Artist: David Hernandez April 26 Artist: David Hernandez

MAY May 1 Artist: Carlota Pradera & Priscilla Marrero May 3 Artist: Carlota Pradera & Priscilla Marrero May 10 Artist: Jenna Reigal May 15 Artist: Ilana Reynolds & Letty Bassart May 17 Artist:  Ilana Reynolds & Letty Bassart May 22 Artist: Shaneeka Harrell