Eyes Wide Open For Another Art Night
It might be a balmier and calmer Saturday Night for art walking, but still there will be lots of sights to be seen. A number of group shows are on tap, along with some multimedia offerings and some new faces.
For instance at Edge Zones Art Center, two Puerto Rican-based artists will be introduced, Teo Freytes and Luis Padreda in ‘A Fragmented Anomaly.” But this is more like an event, as there will also be live music from Omar Roque and the band Carrusel, along with a performance “Urban Stories” from Physical Theatre. It should be quite a scene.
Also a little out of the ordinary: vintage posters from the Mourlot Estate at Markowicz Fine Art in the Design District. Mourlot was a prolific manufacturer of artistic posters and prints, producing images from the likes of Picasso, Matisse, Miro, and many others, which were made to advertise upcoming exhibits, and were often designed by the artists themselves. Check it out.
Sticking in the Design District, wander over to Dimensions Variable project space, for a solo show from Felecia Chizuko Carlisle, “Yellow and Gold.” It’s touted as a sculptural experiment of sound, spatiality, and “synesthesia.” Why not?
Down in Wynwood, couple of group shows: At Snitzer, “Boy, Oh Boy.” The show probes the perceptions and images of men, or boys, ranging from the super macho to the effeminate, young and old, from a variety of artists — boys and girls — such as Hernan Bas, Bert Rodriguez, Zack Balber, Francie Bishop Good, and Alex Sweet. At Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts, a review of the last season’s artists, 14 in all, including works from Michael Flomen, Cecilia Paredes, Vickie Pierre, and Carlos de Villasante.
As always, this is just a sampling — there will be much more out there, including new stuff on the outdoor walls. Worth the walk, before everything closes up for August.
Edge Zones, 47 NE 25th St., Miami; 305-303-8852; www.edgezones.org. Markowicz Fine Art, 1 N.E. 40th St., Miami; 305-308-6398; www.markowiczfineart.com. Dimensions Variable, 171 N.E. 38th St.; [email protected]; www.dimensionsvariable.net. Fredric Snitzer Gallery, 2247 N.W. 1st Pl., Miami; 305-448-8976; www.snitzer.com. Diana Lowenstein Fine Arts, 2043 N. Miami Ave.; 305-576-1804; www.dlfinearts.com.
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