Fleisher 24 Hour Photo crash course with Ahmed Salvador – Knight Foundation

Fleisher 24 Hour Photo crash course with Ahmed Salvador

Have you ever dreamed of being a photographer? And not like the digital Instagram breed, but a real chemistry-and-darkroom Ansel Adams photographer? Well, now is your opportunity to get a crash course in manual photography and developing with “24 Hour Photo: A Crash Course in Darkroom Photography,” courtesy of Knight Arts grantee Fleisher Art Memorial and instructor Ahmed Salvador.

Salvador is Fleisher’s very own darkroom expert and a photographer himself who champions keeping the process of manual photography alive and well. Not only is this a monumental and exclusive experience to learn the ins and outs of 35 mm cameras and darkroom processing, but also a chance to keep the roots of photographic history alive. “I am doing this to raise awareness,” says Salvador, “since many folks are moving to digital, the traditional wet-process techniques of photo should not fade out gracefully.” With Salvador’s current project, it seems as if he is well on his way to realizing this plan.

The plan is this: students who enroll in the class begin work with Salvador at noon on June 8 and delve into the details of operating a 35 mm film camera, the machine’s settings and how to utilize them, how to develop film, and ultimately how to print from negatives… all day and night until noon on June 9! Other concepts covered in the lengthy lesson include how to produce photograms by working directly with light on photo-sensitive material as well as how to burn and dodge images – terms which carry over to the world of contemporary editing and Photoshop.

No prerequisites are required for this gonzo course in photo techniques, just a willingness to learn and possibly a little bit of stamina. The class costs $175 for members and $185 for non-members, and the fee covers darkroom chemistry, film, paper, snacks and a 24 Hour Photo t-shirt. To register, visit the Fleisher Art Memorial website or call registrar Phil Asbury at 215-922-3456, extension 328.

Fleisher Art Memorial is located at 719 Catharine St., Philadelphia; [email protected]fleisher.org.