Forecast grantees talk with Los Angeles artist Fritz Haeg – Knight Foundation

Forecast grantees talk with Los Angeles artist Fritz Haeg

By Kirstin Wiegmann, Forecast Public Art

In 2008, Public Art Review featured a short essay by Fritz Haeg,  a Los Angeles based artist raised in Minnesota, about his first book, the Edible Landscape. Now, five years later, Forecast grantees were able to meet with Fritz as he closes the era of the Edible Landscape as an artist in residence at the Walker Art Center.

As a part of Forecast’s Artist Services Program, Forecast grantees met with Fritz and collaborating, local landscape designer, Anna Bierbrauer, to explore and discuss “At Home in the City.” a series of works that explore edible landscapes and gardens, celebrating the ways we harvest and bring them into the home.

The conversation opened with learning about Fritz and Anna’s work inside the Foraging Circle, a new installation in the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden before moving inside to Domestic Integrities Ao5, a rug installation inside the galleries of the Walker. The questions inspired an exploration of the works in progress of the featured and participating artists and segued into a transparent dialogue about the life of a traveling, professional artist.

Forecast grantees are invited to opportunities like this throughout the year as a part of the professional development cycle of the Artist Services program. We are so grateful to our friends at the Walker for connecting us with Fritz and Anna and are looking forward to the 2014 cycle.


Grant application deadlines for 2014 opportunities are due in late January. Click here for more information about the grants including upcoming study halls and workshops.  See more photos of the event on our website or on our Facebook page.