“Four Broke Guys” returns to Macon during Cherry Blossom time – Knight Foundation

“Four Broke Guys” returns to Macon during Cherry Blossom time

“Four Broke Guys” Live at the Douglass Theatre on March 20 and 21.

This is the time of year where the whole town is painted pink in Macon. From March 19 to April 4, at least 50 events occur in the name of Cherry Blossom time. Through the years, the organizers have altered the programming to include an array of productions. The increase of art engagement and economic development has helped to shape the festival’s events. The Cherry Blossom Festival planning committee has grasped the concept of hosting their traditional activities in addition to sanctioning other happenings around town.

Last year during April, a spoken word artist and author by the name of J. Shawn Durham performed a one-man show, in which he told the story of four men who formed a movement to ban “Ladies Nights” across the nation. Well, the production was well received and two shows sold out at the Douglass Theatre. Therefore, “Four Broke Guys” is back by popular demand, and this time around it has been endorsed by the Cherry Blossom Festival. This show has also been traveling to other cities, including Columbus, Ga. and Washington, D.C.

For the last couple of years, the production crew has evolved to include others like Tony Richard and Ryan M. Jackson, who are especially dedicated to directing, producing and writing theatrical works. The characters in “Four Broke Guys” use the fundamentals of the black power revolution from the 1960s to ignite a movement because they are fed up with the privileges women receive. The production is will have you laughing and falling out of your seats upon hearing the lines of these four broke guys.

On March 20 and 21, “Four Broke Guys” featuring J. Shawn Durham and hosted by comedian Joel Byars will be live at the Douglass Theatre.

“Four Broke Guys” will be performed at 8 p.m. on March 20 and 21 at the Douglass Theatre, 355 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Macon; 478-742-2000; douglastheatre.org. Tickets are $18 and can be purchased online.