Fred Snitzer goes downtown – Knight Foundation

Fred Snitzer goes downtown

What chickens will come home to roost at Snitzer’s new gallery?

Well, it’s finally happened. After several years of planning to leave Wynwood, the Fredric Snitzer Gallery has finally decamped for a new space further south, in downtown Miami. Snitzer will be joining the neighborhood that now includes Dimensions Variable, Bas Fisher Invitational, Primary Projects and, of course, PAMM.

To inaugurate the space, Snitzer will be showing a greatest hits of his latest roster of artists. That means we will see, for instance, work from Jose Bedia, whose impressive last solo outing was one of the final ones in Snitzer’s old space: “Solitary Sailor” was laid out like giant pages from a book, art that you “read” as you walked around the gallery.

Another household Miami name: Hernan Bas. It’s always a treat to check out his distinctive, evocative painting. He’s one of the best painters our town has produced. Maria Martinez-Cañas plumbs memory, loss and redemption, often using her own body, in her mixed-media work. Another Cuba-born artist, Enrique Martinez Celaya, also thematically dwells in memory, of a past that is a constant reminder of what has been lost.

Jose Bedia's last solo show at the old Snitzer space.

Jose Bedia’s last solo show at the old Snitzer space.

Will we see sculpture or drawing from New York-based Alice Aycock, who recently had a retrospective at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art? And whatever strange, tragic-comic world Jon Pylypchuk pulls us into with his sculptural figures will be worth the visit. The other featured works come from similarly talented hands: Naomi Fisher, Diego Singh, Mauricio Gonzalez, Zhivago Duncan, Alexander Kroll, Raphael Domenech and Ridley Howard.

The gathering of this art, along with the crowd who will be on hand to see it and ring in the new space, will also mark a turning point that’s been underway for some time, and that is that art has expanded far beyond Wynwood’s confines. The fact that we can find it east, west, north and south of the neighborhood is good for everyone.

Opening reception for the new gallery is on Thursday, Sept. 4th from 7-10 p.m. at Fredric Snitzer Gallery, 1540 N.E. Miami Ct., Miami;