Full Moon Euphoria at Riverside Cemetery breeds stunning photos
Each year in May, Riverside Cemetery, a Knight Arts grantee, hosts an event where up to 40 photographers take photos (of people and props) under the full moon’s light. There’s no reason to be afraid of hanging in the cemetery after hours because they provide plenty of security. All levels of photographers come out to participate in the activities, although the amateur photographers receive guidance from the more experienced ones.
Superstitions predict that bad things happen when a full moon is out. However, this is a moment where the photographers and all involved project happy feelings. Riverside Cemetery turns into a set for a photo shoot session. Besides the moonlight, flashlights are used to make the focus of attention more visible. This is not your ordinary photo shoot. Therefore, the photos produced from this event will be very unique.
The participants must be at least 18 years old. The tickets are $25 for individuals and $40 for couples. Discount prices are given to people who have taken a part in this event in the past. You can click here to get a breakdown of the different prices. Moreover, proceeds fund preservation efforts at Riverside Cemetery.
The Full Moon Euphoria program helps to take a bit of fear and creepiness out of visiting a cemetery. The beauty of the structures and gardening are magnified with this type of affair. The human models give life to the resting place of the dead.
The beautiful scenery, people and their outfits create a mystical escapade which takes place on May 14 from 6:30 p.m. until 10 p.m. at the Riverside Cemetery, 1301 Riverside Dr., Macon.
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