Funner Projects makes cooler video – Knight Foundation

Funner Projects makes cooler video

Robert “Meatball” Lorie and Justin Long.

The summer has almost come to a crawling halt at this point, the hot dead zone of August has everyone regrouping for September. But this is exactly the time that one-off projects can pop up, as galleries and museums are not offering anything new, for the most part, until the fall. So it was in this lethargic atmosphere that one of the most exciting one-night exhibits provided some surprising relief.

Funner Projects, made up of the duo of Justin H. Long and Robert “Meatball” Lorie, both Miami natives, decided to take their latest show, “Impactarte,” to Locust Projects (a Knight Arts grantee) last Friday, and what a show it was. In a nicely air-conditioned Locust, they set up eight “art-making contraptions” around the space, some cool sculptures — er, equipment — comprised of various mechanical objects, including clocks, bows and  large devices to shoot gobs of paint. But while these were interesting to look at, the best part was revealed in the back room, where an eight-part video incorporated these contraptions, as it documented the duo’s art-making process at what they claim, an amazing 3,000 frames per second.

This was hands down one of the best video events in a long time. Long and Lorie are indeed funny, and they don funky glasses and outfits though out the segments. But they are also creative in their exploration of the history of art-making and of the trappings of the world around. This whole production, however, was only up for one night.

But wait, what makes this video project even cooler is that you will be able to see it. It is, in fact, professionally directed by Emmy-award winning director Andrew Hevia and was commissioned by Latin America — that is another ground-breaking move. Stay tuned as to when you can pull it up.