Genuine Insights on Random Acts of Culture™ – Knight Foundation

Genuine Insights on Random Acts of Culture™

By Gina Rudan, Genuine Insights

Gina Rudan, the president of Genuine Insights Inc, witnessed her first Random Act of Culture® at the 2011 TEDxMIA conference. She posted about the experience this month on her website. Click here to read the entire post and enjoy an excerpt…

A Random Act of Genius

Exploring the creative place between the fine lines of intellectual and emotional experience, our recent “Between the Lines” program at TEDxMIA surprised, delighted, and challenged participants on a whole bunch of levels.

A favorite blow-them-away moment came when an unexpected performance of “Les Toreadors” from Carmen cleverly interrupted philanthropist Dennis Scholl’s talk on experiencing culture anywhere and everywhere. Scholl, who is the Vice President of Art for the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, was delivering his talk on Random Acts of Culture when members of the Florida Grand Opera, who were planted in the audience dressed as everyday people, stood up and began singing. Believe me when I tell you it doesn’t get better than having the audience experience exactly what you are speaking of in real time. This soaring ride between the lines received a standing ovation.