Giving power to young people is crucial to engaging youth – Knight Foundation

Giving power to young people is crucial to engaging youth

Maya Enista, CEO of, firmly believes that giving power to young people is crucial to advancing youth engagement.’ ‘In fact, the organization she works with aims to address the challenges facing today’s young adults by giving them the chance to create solutions on their own.

During a roundtable discussion with leaders in the field, Enista spoke passionately about some ways both adults and changemaking organizations can give youth a voice.’ She elaborates on a few of those points here:

Paula Recart and Diana Wells of Ashoka, too, share Enista’s conviction about the importance of giving individuals the opportunity to experience their own power while they’re young.

Do you have any ideas on the subject of youth empowerment?’ If so, we’d love to hear them.’ You can also take a look at what others had to say in this past week’s posts.

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