Grants in action: “Tons of great free music at the new SPCO website” – Knight Foundation

Grants in action: “Tons of great free music at the new SPCO website”

In late 2010 Knight Foundation granted the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra (SPCO) $75,000 to create an extensive digital database of concerts on its website and increase free online access to locally-produced classical music. Earlier this month, the Star Tribune celebrated this effort and its results, instructing its readers to: “Do yourself a favor and check out the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra’s new website.”

The article calls SPCO’s site a “marvel of free access” and notes its collection of standard and non-traditional music including Mozart, Mendelssohn, Vivaldi, Beethoven and SPCO artistic partner Thomas Zehetmair. Click here to read the entire article and here to visit the newly expanded SPCO site.