Greatest person of the day: Dennis Scholl & Random Acts of Culture™ – Knight Foundation

Greatest person of the day: Dennis Scholl & Random Acts of Culture™

The Random Act of Culture® love continues to spread. HuffPost named Dennis Scholl, Knight Foundation VP/Arts and Random Act of Culture® creator, its Greatest Person of the Day Monday, June 20. The HuffPost piece outlines Random Act of Culture’s intention (“Scholl wondered if the most modern way of promoting classical music and performance was to bring it directly to the people, rather than the other way around”); its early days (“‘After our first act, we knew we had something,'” he [Scholl] said…’You see 20 camera phones pop out immediately'”); and its future (“‘If you think about it, community is not just about geography anymore,’ Scholl said. ‘We just want to remind people that these brilliant artists are out there.'”)

Click here to read the entire HuffPost story.