Happy Craziest New Year – Knight Foundation

Happy Craziest New Year

Production photo from Happy Craziest New Year. Courtesy of Dangerous Productions

For the past three years, Dangerous Productions has produced a unique series of shows called Happy Minnesota. The project was created with a focus on fostering economic growth, play and community along St. Paul’s Central Corridor. Over the course of nine productions, Happy shows have been performed in both vacant storefronts and active businesses all geared towards connecting people and place via entertainment.

The newest show in the Happy Minnesota series takes place at Bedlam Lowertown on December 30 and 31 and is called “Happy Craziest New Year.” I got a chance to connect with Happy Minnesota creator and “Happy Craziest New Year” director Tyler Olsen about his latest show.

Can you tell me how the making of this year’s show is informed by past shows? Olsen: “This is basically the culmination of the last three years of the insanity that was Happy Minnesota, comprised of the funniest, weirdest, cutest routines, jokes, and bits we’ve come up with. Add to that a cavalcade of almost every character from the Happy Universe (over 50 in all), almost all played by the actors who originated the roles. And, of course, there’s new stuff. We love making new stuff (as evidenced by the creation of almost 20 original events over the past three years).”

How do you want the experience to be for the artists performing in the show? Olsen: “The experience is FUN – that’s the main goal. We often start with the question “what have you always wanted to do onstage?” and go from there. We work hard, and play even harder, onstage and off. Collaboration and imagination are highly valued, which I feel like is why we have actors come back again and again. It’s also a performance experience like no other – a combination of improvisation, highly refined acts, and really unique one-on-one experiences with audience members. It’s exhausting and really exhilarating for the actors (Diogo Lopes said he felt like he had been in a war), but ultimately really satisfying.”

Production photo from Happy Craziest New Year. Photo courtesy Dangerous Productions.

Production photo from Happy Craziest New Year. Photo courtesy Dangerous Productions

How do you want the audience to experience the show? Olsen: “Again, major focus on FUN, and that they are a big part of the entire show experience. We try to make it so it’s really “Choose your own adventure”– people can simply sit back and enjoy the show, or they can get up and interact constantly! The whole goal of the Happy Minnesota project was to drive people, laughter and money to University Avenue, and so we do everything we can to make that happen. There are Happy loyalists who now bring 10 people to the shows, because it’s a performance experience unlike anything else you can find in the city!”

How significant is it for you to be doing this show at Lowertown Bedlam? Olsen: “We are pleased as punch to be at Bedlam! Especially as a fellow St. Paul arts organization, I feel like its a major step in the growing portfolio of non-traditional, “never know what you’re going to get” theater in the first born of the Twin Cities. Bedlam has a reputation for it, as does Dangerous Productions – we’re both really excited to be working with each other!”

Tyler Olsen - the man behind Dangerous Productions (Happy Minnesota, Dangerous Theater, and www.stpauliscool.com). Photo courtesy of the artist.

Tyler Olsen – the man behind Dangerous Productions (Happy Minnesota, Dangerous Theater and www.stpauliscool.com). Photo courtesy of the artist

“Happy Craziest New Year” will be performed on December 30 and 31 at 8 p.m. at Bedlam Lowertown, 213 East Fourth St., St. Paul; 651-209-0597; dangerousproductions.org. Tickets are $16 and can be purchased online. To get a $2 discount off the ticket price: bring a cabbage; ride Metro Transit to the show (show METRO transfer or Go To card); patronize a Green Line business on the day of the show (show your receipt); or bring your 2014 MN Fringe Festival button.