How do you turn teens in trouble into youth who give back? Social entrepreneurs give tips on engaging youth – Knight Foundation

How do you turn teens in trouble into youth who give back? Social entrepreneurs give tips on engaging youth

As founder of the nonprofit Fresh Lifelines for Youth,’Christa Gannon helps teens in trouble stay out of jail and make healthy decisions. FLY graduates are also offered a chance to join a community leadership program.

So we asked her: ‘What do you think is key to getting youth involved in their community?’

The recognized social activist and’Stanford Law graduate said playing to young people’s strengths is critical. In the case of disconnected youth, we need to say,

“Wow, you have great leadership skills,” said Gannon, “you might be leading by leading by how you’re selling on the corner, but, looks like you’re a really great salesman, looks like you’ve got some great marketing skills – we want to work with those skills.”

The interview followed a panel discussion on engaging youth highlighted on Knightblog yesterday. ‘ Knight Foundation convened the panel as part of its focus on promoting informed and engaged communities.

Dorothy Stoneman fromYouthBuild USA shares her thoughts below:

We’d love to know what you think. ‘And watch for more tomorrow.

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