Beijing-born puppeteer Hua Hua Zhang at Asian Arts Initiative – Knight Foundation

Beijing-born puppeteer Hua Hua Zhang at Asian Arts Initiative

This Friday and Saturday, November 1 and 2, the Asian Arts Initiative of Chinatown North will be hosting Beijing-born, Philadelphia-based sculptor and puppeteer Hua Hua Zhang. Asian Arts Initiative, a Knight Arts grantee, will present the opening of “Dream Journeys,” a solo exhibition of new works by Hua Hua, on Friday evening at 6 p.m. with a performance at 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, there will be a performance at 3 p.m.

Hua Hua Zhang with her Masks. Photo By Rumei Gong

Hua Hua is a classically trained puppeteer who studied at the Beijing Art Academy. In her work she bridges the gaps between Eastern and Western cultures to present a journey that is deeply rooted in the self and the longing for home. Much of this work is informed by her youth growing up during the Chinese Cultural Revolution. While self-expression and individuality were squelched and restricted by a heavy-handed government, Hua Hua proves that the universal desire to relate to and communicate with one’s fellow people thrives even in conditions where it is trampled.

Hua Hua Zhang, "Shan Shan-Shadows" from "Butterfly Dreams." Photo courtesy Visual Expressions

Hua Hua Zhang, “Shan Shan-Shadows” from “Butterfly Dreams.” Photo courtesy Visual Expressions

In China, the artist was a trained puppeteer by age 14 and a lead performer for the Beijing Puppet Arts Troupe for more than 20 years. She moved to the United States to study at the University of Connecticut before founding Visual Expressions, an artistic group which utilizes puppetry as a means to expand audiences’ cross-cultural understanding through theatrical performances and educational programs.

Hua Hua Zhang, "Dreamer." Photo by Rumei Gong

Hua Hua Zhang, “Dreamer.” Photo by Rumei Gong

As an artistic form that also has a tendency to bridge creative methods – it is as much visual art as it is a live theatrical performance – Hua Hua explains that puppets are unique in their role as living sculptures that fill a very particular expressive niche. “Puppet art is for all ages and voices,” says Hua Hua. “It penetrates deeply into our hearts, desires and inner thoughts through use of metaphor, abstraction and dreamlike expression.”

The title of “Dream Journeys” is surely more than appropriate in this light. Hua Hua’s puppets possess lively, synthetic faces which sit squarely between the fabricated and the natural. Their ability to bring the surreal worlds of dream states to a physical plane as well as allow us insight into our actual world and its diversity of viewpoints, cultures, and peoples proves their power as a medium for conveying messages and eliciting emotions. Aside from the performances, the exhibit at Asian Arts Initiative will be on display through January 24.

Asian Arts Initiative is located at 1219 Vine St., Philadelphia; [email protected]