In practice, the world awaits – Knight Foundation

In practice, the world awaits

Aramis Gutierrez, “Do You Wish To Rise? Begin by Descending.”

The first thing that will strike you is the series of light, pastel pink canvases that are basically empty. Very little color, very little movement in these latest paintings from one of Miami’s best painters, Aramis Gutierrez. The three main large paintings are of empty ballet studios, the sense of anticipation is intense — when will the dancers return, when will the color start to swirl again with energy? These are superb works, keeping you at the edge of art.

In the front room of Spinello Projects, pick up the pink pamphlet with an essay from Jarrett Earnest (there are usually back stories to Gutierrez’s work), and read this: “There is a sense that something is about to happen — dancers might run in to begin class; or that something has just ended — they’ve all run out. We know that finding this room empty is just a momentary pause in its endless cycle of use….”

Those familiar with Gutierrez’s work might find these a surprise, those used to his active figures, roaring fires, exploding volcanoes. In fact there are some portraits in “End Game Aesthetics,” but again they are painted in very muted tones, as though suppressing the eventual explosion of dance, movement, color. While seemingly static, these pink paintings reveal intense practice, like that of a dancer at the barre before he or she makes the dramatic entrance on stage — there can be very few missteps even in practice. In the mirrored ballet studios, every move is visible and therefore open to critique. Same with the brush strokes on these canvases — you can see the craft, see the process, see the making of the end result.

Gutierrez’s paintings are on display on the ground floor, second floor and basement — make sure not to miss the latter. Going down and up the wooden staircase seems part of the experience, entering the studio and then participating in it.

“End Game Aesthetics” by Aramis Gutierrez at Spinello Projects, 2930 NW 7th Ave., Miami (West of Wynwood); 786-271-4223;