inkub8 2012 update – Knight Foundation

inkub8 2012 update

By inkub8 staff

inkub8 announces its 2012 Artists in Residence

The inkub8 (open-studio) Residency Program, a four-week residency in Miami’s Wynwood arts district that offers time, space, and a modest stipend in exchange for artists teaching classes and exhibiting works. Inkub8 is a hybrid performance | studio space that serves as a laboratory for creating new works that incorporate movement, dancetheater, sound art, as contemporary emerging hybrid forms.

  • Panelists 2012 inkub8 Residency Program
  • Octavio Campos- Artistic Director Camposition
  • Elizabeth Doud- Formerly Artistic Director Cultura del Lobo Performance Series
  • Mary Luft – Executive Director Tigertail Productions

For more info go to It was truly wonderful to have so many artists apply to this program. A testament to how residency programs such as this one are valuable to artists.  We are very excited about what is going to come out of inkub8r this residency season!