Inkub8(ing) artists get boost with Knight Arts Challenge grant – Knight Foundation

Inkub8(ing) artists get boost with Knight Arts Challenge grant

Cultivating experimental and hybrid performance artists in Miami is a challenge, but not at Inkub8. With so much talent — despite the limited funding, performing space and time—the Wynwood-based organization has consistently nurtured Miami’s emerging artists and their new hybrid modes of expression.

After winning a $50,000 Knight Arts Challenge grant, the incubating process will expand with a new “Inkub8 Residency Program” aimed specially at cultivating resident artists to explore new mediums that incorporate movement, dance, theater, sound art and other emerging hybrid forms. The program will offer artists a month-long residency and stipend to teach and exhibit their work at the conclusion of the residency.

If you haven’t been to Inkub8 yet, this weekend is the perfect opportunity to witness the kind of work the organization fosters in its third Inkub8 (open-studio) series of the season. Held during Wynwood Art Walk 2nd Saturdays, the (open-studio) series is a model for the forthcoming residency program. This weekend artists Joey Bargsten and meme™ (media experimental ensemble), Leo Casteneda, José Manuel Domínguez & Priscilla Marrero and Elana Lanczi will perform new works-in-progress. After the event, the artists will discuss their process with the audience members.

But, that’s not it. What makes Inkub8 truly unique are the community workshops the organization sponsors featuring local and national artists. This Saturday, Dec. 10, from 1 to 4 p.m. join Bistoury Physical Theatre’s Alexey Taran and Carla Forte for “Improvisation in Urban Spaces” — an improvisation workshop designed to guide one through “a progression of “changing states” of body and mind.” The cost for the workshop is only $15 and it is open to everyone. RSVP at [email protected].

Inkub8 (open-studio) series, Saturday, Dec. 10, 9 p.m. Tickets: free. For info contact 305-482-1621 or [email protected] or For directions, visit google maps at