Inside the Artists Raising Kids Compendium – Knight Foundation

Inside the Artists Raising Kids Compendium

By Andrew Simonet, Artists U

I’m a choreographer. And I run a program called Artists U, a grassroots, artist-run planning program. And I have two sons. So I started an Artists Raising Kids project.

The Artists Raising Kids Compendium is a collection thoughts and tactics from artist parents. We surveyed 130 artist parents, interviewed a group of parent in-depth, and hosted a workshop/conversation in Philadelphia with 50 parents (and 20 kids). This is not a comprehensive, data-driven study; it’s more like a zine or an edited discussion forum. To be honest, this is the booklet that, as an artist parent with two kids and an artist spouse, I wanted to read.

There are a lot of smart (sometimes conflicting) insights from artists parents. Most surprising discovery? Artist parents talk much more about time issues than money issues. Like 10 to 1. More than anything, I had the reassuring experience that I am not alone or crazy. As an artist parent, I highly recommend that feeling.

Artists U is planning to host another Artists Raising Kids workshop/conversation in Baltimore in June.

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