International Center for Journalists turns 25 – Knight Foundation

International Center for Journalists turns 25

The International Center for Journalists’celebrated 25 years of advancing quality journalism worldwide — through the’training of more than 60,000 journalists –‘ at its’Awards Dinner last week in Washington, DC.


The New York Times’ David Rohde spoke of the Taliban’s strongholds’in Pakistan and Afghanistan and what this means for U.S. policy.’

Knight International Journalism Award recipient Chouchou Namegabe said sexual violence against women in the Congo is getting worse and called for action.

Founders Award winner Seymour Hersh discussed why it is more important than ever to do investigative reporting.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton congratulated ICFJ on its 25th Anniversary in a video address.

Find out how the world’s most promising media projects are taken on by Knight International Journalism Fellows

— Eric Newton is the Knight Foundation’s vice president/journalism program.

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