KAC Winner Update: Leggo My Demo – Knight Foundation

KAC Winner Update: Leggo My Demo

Start-up independent music project Leggo My Demo is in the home stretch of its matching grant fundraising drive. The group aims to level the playing field for independent music and has 3 days to raise a final $500. The funds will successfully release the final payment of a $30k Knight Foundation matching grant for production costs. Leggo My Demo is essentially the love child of social networking and online radio where the most popular independent songs rise to the top of radio play-lists. All an artist needs is the ability to create a song people want to hear. All a user needs is a cell phone or internet access to hear the user-generated stations of independent music.

Thanks to this feature, independent artists no longer have to go through a major record label to be heard on an international stage. Rather, they just need one thing—raw talent. The Leggo My Demo Group promotes it’s top artists with track awards, press releases and industry connections. Leggo My Demo is entrepreneur Chris Chrebet’s answer to the large record labels’ entrenched control of the music industry. By creating a real-time radio station that plays the songs the community as a whole likes—rather than those with the highest marketing budgets or industry connections—he’s putting the talent back into the music industry. Throughout the year Chrebet has raised over $12,000 in matching funds but finds himself in a last minute push to successfully complete the final amount.

The fundraising deadline of September 30th is just 3 days away and the group is striving to generate a final $500 in donations. Supporters are encouraged to learn more and donate at www.indiegogo.com/leggo. Incentives are available and donations of $9 or more come with special VIP access to the site upon release.