Kathryn Sclavi’s girls only slumber party at Practice – Knight Foundation

Kathryn Sclavi’s girls only slumber party at Practice

Practice gallery takes a trip down memory lane throughout October with Kathryn Sclavi‘s installation “Forever Sleepover.” The interior of the Practice space has been transformed from the typical rigid, white walls indicative of an art viewing space into a plush, cloth tent structure that fills practically the entire room. Hearkening back to the pillow forts and sleepover parties of youth, Sclavi revisits the days of being a pre-teen girl and all of the romantic, wistful notions and social rituals that surround the development of girls into young women.

Promo image for “Forever Sleepover” by Kathryn Sclavi.

Almost across the board, Sclavi notes that women fondly recall the nights of their childhood in which they stayed up late with one another watching movies, playing games like truth or dare, telling secrets, and generally enjoying one another’s camaraderie. At the opening on First Friday, the excitement of the visitors was palpable and the looks of nostalgic joy on the faces of the women entering the blanket construction was more than apparent.

A pair of girls enjoys the tent and the screening of "Titanic" at "Forever Sleepover."

A pair of girls enjoys the tent and a screening of “Titanic” at “Forever Sleepover.”

Inside the fabric fort, a television broadcasts a VHS copy of James Cameron’s “Titanic” alongside sleeping bags, throw rugs, and a bowl of complimentary candy for all who join the party. Around the woven walls, tiny embroidered accents can be found that reminisce about the hopes and dreams of the girls that inhabit such settings: images of pop stars and sayings like ‘we will be together forever’ or L.Y.L.A.S. (love you like a sister) call to mind paper notes and celebrity heroines as well as real life crushes and confessions amongst friends.

The interior ceiling of the "Forever Sleepover" structure by Kathryn Sclavi.

The interior ceiling of the “Forever Sleepover” structure by Kathryn Sclavi.

The tent is more than just a passive witness to these activities, however. Sclavi has planned a series of events and real life slumber parties to take place inside of the “Forever Sleepover” installation, extending its reach from symbolic space to actual experiential reenactment. With an intensity rarely matched in busy adult life, the childhood bonds formed among females at such events are more than worth revisiting through the lens of grown women and an imagined world in which adulthood never happens.

On October 17 and 24 from 7-9 p.m., Sclavi will host “Cake and Gossip (women only)” which is exactly what it sounds like: a time to chill and chat over sweets. October 19 will see the space actually utilized for a slumber party for “Ladies Sleepover.” Starting at 8 p.m., women are welcome to visit the space and spend the night with each other as a tribute to the days of youthful growth and confidential friendships. Practice will be home to “Forever Sleepover” through October 25.

Practice is located at 319 North 11th St., Philadelphia, on the second floor; [email protected]practicegallery.org.