Knight Arts Challenge Countdown: What Happens Next? – Knight Foundation

Knight Arts Challenge Countdown: What Happens Next?

Perhaps you’ve already submitted your idea, or your creative juices are still flowing.  Either way, you’re probably wondering what happens after you hit that submit button.  Here’s a quick rundown of the timeline.

  1. Applications are due on Monday, Oct. 31 by midnight at Once you hit submit, you’ll receive an automatic confirmation through our online system.  Then we get to work sorting through the applications and preparing them for our readers.
  2. Thus begins the readers review, a process which involves a panel of readers who review each application and determine the list of finalists.
  3. Finalists are notified by Jan. 9, 2012 and are asked to submit a longer proposal (about 3 pages) which includes more detailed information about the project and potential funding for the match.
  4. The proposals are reviewed, and winners are announced in April.
  5. The winning projects then have one year to raise matching funds to meet Knight’s grant.