Knight Arts Challenge Miami countdown: 5 tips for writing a great proposal – Knight Foundation

Knight Arts Challenge Miami countdown: 5 tips for writing a great proposal

Need a little help getting started on your Knight Arts Challenge application?  Here are 5 tips for writing a great proposal.

1. Make sure your idea is about the arts.

2. Make it unique: What makes your idea truly one-of-a-kind? Be sure to highlight the most interesting and innovative aspects of your project.

3. Stay focused: You only have 150 words to get your idea across, so zero in on the important details and get to the point quickly.

4. Give us your vision: Although you can’t submit images or video with your application, you can help us envision your project with vibrant, descriptive language.

5. Don’t sweat the details: The initial application for the contest is short and simple for a reason.  We want to hear your best idea for the arts in South Florida. Inspire us with your grand vision.  If you’re chosen as a finalists, then we’ll ask you for more details about how you’ll accomplish your idea, the budget required and how you’ll find matching funding.  Right now, just get that 150-word idea down and click submit!

Find out more during our live web chat and Town Hall meeting TODAY, Feb. 23. – Go to from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. to type in your questions and get real time answers. – Or join us at 5:30 p.m. at The Little Haiti Cultural Center (212 Northeast 59th Terr.) for a Town Hall Meeting.

Then submit your best idea here.