Knight Arts Challenge Miami countdown: Anyone can apply – Knight Foundation

Knight Arts Challenge Miami countdown: Anyone can apply

Knight Arts Challenge Miami is open for its fourth year of competition. Until midnight on March 2, we’re accepting applications for any idea to bring South Florida together through the arts. That’s just enough time for you to get your thoughts together and submit your 150-word application.

So over the next two weeks, we’ll be counting down to the deadline and posting a daily series of tips and answers to common questions. We hope you’ll take advantage and follow us on our blog. Start right now by considering tip #1:

You don’t have to be an established non-profit organization to be eligible for arts funding; Knight Arts Challenge is open to everyone.

That’s the beauty of it. Whether you represent a non-profit organization, a private company or even just yourself, anyone with a transformational idea for the arts in South Florida qualifies.

Not convinced? Take a look at some of our previous winners and see what we mean:

Apply here. In this photo: Alberto Ibargüen, Naomi Fisher, Jim Drain, Kathyrn Marks