Knight Arts Challenge Miami countdown: How to make your application stand out – Knight Foundation

Knight Arts Challenge Miami countdown: How to make your application stand out

Want to know how to gain an edge and make your application stand out?

Innovation is welcome and encouraged. We also look at whether the applicant has the know-how to get the project done. That said, you or your group might be in need of a breakout push and some help to get there. Go ahead and apply; it might be the right time for that push. Ultimately, the best “edge” is to have a really great art idea.

Find out more during our live web chat and Town Hall meeting on Wed, Feb. 23. – Go to from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. to type in your questions and get real time answers. – Or join us at 5:30 p.m. at The Little Haiti Cultural Center (212 Northeast 59th Terr.) for a Town Hall Meeting.

Then submit your best idea here.