Knight Arts Challenge Miami countdown: What happens next? – Knight Foundation

Knight Arts Challenge Miami countdown: What happens next?

If you’ve submitted your Knight Arts Challenge Miami application, or are about to – congrats!  Wondering what happens next?  Here’s a quick rundown of the timeline.

  • Applications are due on by midnight on March 2. Then we get to work sorting through the applications and preparing them for our readers.
  • Thus begins the readers review, a process which involves 7 readers who read each and every application and determine the list of finalists.
  • Finalists will be notified and announced in April.
  • Finalists are asked to submit a longer proposal (about 3 pages) which includes more detailed information about the project and potential funding for the match.
  • The proposals are reviewed, and winners are announced on November 28, 2011.
  • The winning projects then have 1 year to raise matching funds to meet Knight’s grant.

Start by submitting your 150-word idea here.

(Photo by darrentunnicliff, Flickr)