Knight Arts Challenge Philadelphia: 5 Tips for Writing a Great Proposal – Knight Foundation

Knight Arts Challenge Philadelphia: 5 Tips for Writing a Great Proposal

Now that you’ve had some time to think about the scope and vision of your Knight Arts Challenge idea, it’s time to get that idea down to 150 words (or 1,020 characters). Need a little help getting started?  Here are 5 tips for writing a great proposal.

  1. Make sure your idea is about the arts. Art comes in many forms, but it should be the genesis for your idea.
  2. Make it unique. What makes your idea truly one-of-a-kind?  Be sure to highlight the most interesting and innovative aspects of your project.
  3. Stay focused. You only have 150 words to get your idea across, so zero in on the important details and get to the point quickly.
  4. Give us your vision.  Although you can’t submit images or video with your application, you can help us envision your project with vibrant, descriptive language.
  5. Don’t sweat the details.  The initial application for the contest is short and simple for a reason.  We want to hear your best idea for the arts in Philadelphia.  Inspire us with your grand vision.  If you’re chosen as a finalist, then we’ll ask you for more details about how you’ll accomplish your idea, the budget required and how you’ll find matching funding.  Right now, just get that 150-word idea down and click submit!

Ready, get set – apply now.

Want to talk more about the process in person?  Remember to come to our Town Hall Meeting on Mon, Oct. 17 at 6 p.m. at the Live Arts Studio (919 N 5th St, Philadelphia – above Poplar Street).