Knight Brothers Documentary Wins Emmy – Knight Foundation

Knight Brothers Documentary Wins Emmy

Paul R. Jacoway’s “Final Edition: Journalism According to Jack and Jim Knight” was presented with a regional Emmy Award on June 19, by the lower Great Lakes Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences. The documentary, which first aired on October 26, 2009 in Akron, Ohio, follows the Knight family, from their days of running the Beacon Journal and their national newspaper chain through their generous funding of Knight Foundation.

The project began originally as a paper by Jacoway, written for a history of journalism course at the University of Akron. With the sale of the Knight-Ridder newspaper group in 2006 to the McClatchy Company, Jacoway found he had a very topical subject at hand. Three years later, Jacoway had produced a film about the Knight brothers, with help from the Ohio Humanities Council.

“Final Edition” is narrated by Akron’s deputy mayor, David Lieberth, and features interviews with Knight Foundation President Alberto Ibargüen.