Knight Chair in Media and Religion wins Luce support – Knight Foundation

Knight Chair in Media and Religion wins Luce support

The two-year, $395,000 grant will support a fellowship program for journalists reporting on religion and international relations. It will also fund graduate-level reporting classes on the same topic, and it will pay for a group of Winston’s students to travel to the Middle East next year. This year, the students documented their experiences in ‘The Israel-Palestine Project.’

Winston’s journalism classes focus on religion as a changing and moving part of culture. She and her students study how religion affects individuals and communities as well as its effect on national and international politics. See TRANS/MISSIONS, the Knight Chair in Media and Religion’s web site, for more.’

Knight Foundation established Knight Chairs at top journalism schools around the country. The professional journalists who hold these chairs teach, practice journalism, and start new programs and experimental projects in journalism.

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